tripichick's platform

We start by housing everyone who needs it in community supported shelters Conestoga huts located on public land convenient to bus routes.

We issue free LTD passes.  Parents will travel with kids to local school for breakfast and a sack lunch then go to four hours of work  ~~ landscaping  {our parks will be heathier with hand weeding instead of Roundup}, child care, food service and retail, clerical work, entry level health care transportation, activity and nutrition aids.

The most economical way to ration health care is to give everyone one yearly Wellness check at local Medicare clinic ~~ labs, physical assessment, and a lengthy, unhurried discussion of social situation and personal health goals.  for example I want help coping with the social isolation of living with a neurodivergent partner and help making our bathroom ADA friendly.  Everyone who is able should engage in a half hour of weightbearing exercise three times a week to reduce deadly visceral fat and improve mood.

Using the Head Start kitchens on N Grand, neighborhood volunteers and LCC culinary students could prepare a hearty meat optional casserole, bread and fruit cobbler for takeaway twice a  week.